Security News > 2021 > April > Biden Administration Imposes Sanctions on Russia for SolarWinds

Biden Administration Imposes Sanctions on Russia for SolarWinds
2021-04-20 11:19

It's fairly clear that since then Russia is taking the necessary legal legislative steps and actions to start carving it's self out of the "All roads lead to Rome" or more correctly Washington of the Internet.

I've spent more than two decades warning about what is happening and the most likely out come.

In the process totally hollowing out their nation so the cupboard is bare, and running around pretending to be every ones friend whilst robbing them every which way they can and setting them upon each other.

Whilst some of the nore sensible billionairs have bought their refuges abroad and are quietly moving the contents of their store cupboards out of the US not just away from the US IRS but away from their shareholders as well.

There is an old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times" and if people are not carefull they will find that the riches they think they have will disapear out of their hands faster than quick silver.

In a way for many in the US COVID has been a rude awakening out of their sleepwalk on social media.

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