Security News > 2021 > April > Friday Squid Blogging: Blobs of Squid Eggs Found Near Norway

To use B follows A, even though we can clearly see A to Z happening all at the same time in parallel and by and large all intetacting all of the time.
Look over a time period of two or three times the reciprocol of their difference frequency and you see a near perfect sine way envelop, just as you would expect from amplitude modulation.
Now in nature there are hundreds of thousands of cyclic waveforms adding and subtracting, but at some point they will all add to some maximum and subtract to some minimum, when might not happen in the expected life time of our universe and be of such fleeting apperance that we could probably not see it if we were observing it at the time.
Similar attacks use "Hyper fine timing" as a method of instrumentation to read bits of data out, such as encryption keys and similar.
Without going into what they are, there are other sub classes of reach around attacks than just the two of "Memory bashing" of Rowhammer and "Hyperfine timing" of cache instrumentation.
1, Time delays not just on rise and fall times of the output circuit, but time delays through the logic circuit from input to output.