Security News > 2021 > April > How to Vaccinate Against the Poor Password Policy Pandemic

How to Vaccinate Against the Poor Password Policy Pandemic
2021-04-01 02:49

To shore up their defenses, they must remediate their password policy.

Replacing password expiration with password exposure is critical with an increasingly hybrid workforce and, as outlined above, for the friction it incurs.

A crucial part of this process is to educate employees and instill better security hygiene, preventing weak passwords, password reuse, and password sharing.

Poor password practices have become a pandemic, and all of the steps outlined help vaccinate an organization from the risks of compromised credentials.

As businesses accelerate the pace of digital transformation, they must, in turn, modernize their password policy and future proof themselves from the risks associated with outdated and ineffectual password strategies.

Find out more about how Enzoic is helping eliminate the risks from poor password policy here.

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