Security News > 2021 > February > The Intelligent Edge: An Increasing Target for Bad Actors

The Intelligent Edge: An Increasing Target for Bad Actors
2021-02-11 19:24

Each edge environment comes with its own set of unique risks and vulnerabilities, which is why they have become a prime target for cybercriminals, who are shifting significant resources to strategically target and exploit emerging network edge environments.

The intelligent edge is widely defined as the combination of advanced wireless connectivity, compact processing power, and AI to analyze and aggregate data in a location as close as possible to where it is captured in a network.

Deloitte predicts the global market for the intelligent edge will reach $12 billion in 2021, driven in part by expanding 5G networks and hyperscale cloud.

Given the rate of adoption and the number of devices involved, it's no surprise that attackers see the intelligent edge as a ripe opportunity.

Intelligent malware designed to target these new devices and the arrival of things like new Edge Access Trojans are just two of the more recent threats CISOs have to deal with as they try to secure their edge.

AI and automation will be invaluable tools in the fight against those who would try to target and take advantage of this new intelligent edge.

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