Security News > 2021 > February > BluBracket Community Edition: Detect and monitor secrets in code for free

BluBracket Community Edition: Detect and monitor secrets in code for free
2021-02-10 05:00

BluBracket announced its Community Edition, a free, robust and automated tool for finding passwords, tokens and other security vulnerabilities in code.

"Source code is quickly becoming the largest surface area of attack being exploited by hackers. BluBracket is exclusively focused on addressing the risks in your source code, and now is the right time to make our Community Edition freely accessible so developers and engineers have a robust and professional way to keep credentials out of code."

The BluBracket Community Edition "Shifts security left" earlier in the development process by giving developers a free, easily integrated tool to help them keep credentials and secrets out of code.

The BluBracket Community Edition provides developers a Secrets Risk Score which efficiently informs them of the risk of that secret in their code.

BluBracket has made it simple for anyone to use the Community Edition.

Users simply connect to the BluBracket Community Edition through GitHub, where the tool will begin scanning up to 10 repositories and sharing reports in real time for more than 50 secret types in any language.

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