Security News > 2021 > February > Runtime data no longer has to be vulnerable data

Runtime data no longer has to be vulnerable data
2021-02-04 06:15

Today, the security model utilized by nearly all organizations is so weak that the mere act of creating new data comes with the immutable assumption that such data will become public and subject to theft or misuse.

If attackers gain access to a data center or network, they gain access to data.

No amount of security software or IT processes can every attacker, and because data is fundamentally defenseless and insecure, data overexposure, breaches, and incursions are bound to happen sooner or later.

Yes, expensive new layers of security might make a data breach harder to accomplish, but data exposure is still inevitable.

Data insecurity is one of the most often cited reasons for not migrating IT completely to the cloud, which is an option that can significantly reduce IT costs and data risks.

In 2019, a group of cloud and software vendors formed the Confidential Computing Consortium, chartered to define and promote the adoption of confidential computing and the use of secure enclaves to create a fully trusted data processing environment in the public cloud that should virtually impervious to a data breach.

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