Security News > 2021 > February > NIST provides guidance to protect controlled unclassified information

NIST provides guidance to protect controlled unclassified information
2021-02-04 04:30

Vulnerable data includes the sensitive but unclassified information managed by government, industry and academia in support of various federal programs.

Now, a finalized publication from NIST provides guidance to protect such controlled unclassified information from APTs.

The federal government relies heavily on nonfederal service providers to help carry out a wide range of missions using information systems - a term that includes computers, but also a range of other specialized technologies such as industrial control systems and the Internet of Things.

The protection of sensitive federal information that resides in nonfederal systems - such as those used by state and local governments, colleges and universities, and independent research organizations - is of paramount importance, as it can directly impact the federal government's ability to carry out its operations.

CUI includes a wide variety of information types, from individuals' names or Social Security numbers to critical defense information.

"Implementing the cyber safeguards in SP 800-172 will help system owners protect what state-level hackers have considered to be particularly high-value targets: sensitive information about people, technologies, innovation and intellectual property, the revelation of which could compromise our economy and national security."

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