Security News > 2021 > February > How a global law enforcement effort took down the Emotet botnet

How a global law enforcement effort took down the Emotet botnet
2021-02-03 16:49

A report released Wednesday by security firm Digital Shadows looks at how such an effort was orchestrated to put a seeming end to the infamous Emotet malware.

On Jan. 27, the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation revealed that a global coalition of law enforcement and judicial authorities across several countries had disrupted Emotet through an endeavor known as "Operation Ladybird."

By digging into Emotet's infrastructure, the companies and agencies involved managed to redirect the computers of those victimized by the notorious botnet into one controlled by law enforcement.

A video spotted by Digital Shadows shows a Ukrainian law enforcement agency raiding Emotet operators.

The next step rests with German law enforcement officers who will deploy an Emotet update on April 25 to remove the malware from all infected devices and prevent further communications.

Perhaps they were hoping to glean more insider tips on how to evade law enforcement and avoid Emotet's fate.

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