Security News > 2021 > February > Emotet’s Takedown: Have We Seen the Last of the Malware?

Sherrod DeGrippo, senior director of threat research and detection with Proofpoint, shares insights on the global law enforcement and private-sector takedown of the major cybercrime tools such as Emotet.
Last fall, agencies targeted TrickBot's infrastructure to disrupt the prolific malware, and last week, they took down servers supporting the Emotet malware.
This is pretty timely, because just last week, the Emotet malware, which we've talked about a ton in the past, and which is one of the most prolific malware strains out there globally, it was dealt a blow, thanks to a takedown by an international law enforcement consortium.
LW: Yeah, yeah, I think that is very true that this was kind of on the top wish list of many security researchers but also defense teams, and reading about the the takedown by law enforcement agencies, was there anything that really stuck out to you beyond the fact that we have now not seen Emotet in the past week since it's occurred?
You know, speaking of these, these takedown operations, and different types of operations, would love to know kind of your insight into what goes into the takedown of different malware, infrastructure and servers or botnets or attackers themselves? What really needs to happen from law enforcement agencies, what do they need to know? And what are the specific methods that they need to take to really kind of put the nail in the coffin here?
Well, Sherrod, thank you so much for coming on today to the Threatpost podcast to talk a little bit about Emotet and what other malware families we should be on the lookout for.
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