Security News > 2021 > February > 6 enterprise security software options to keep your organization safe

6 enterprise security software options to keep your organization safe
2021-02-03 15:05

Enterprise security software is essential to protecting company data, personnel, and customers.

Enterprise security software comes in many forms and flavors.

Designed to protect businesses and end users, this software is intended to prevent and remediate threats and keep confidential data from falling into the wrong hands.

Dave Cole, CEO and co-founder of Open Raven, a cloud native data protection platform, had this to say on the topic: "Cloud data protection platforms are at the top of the list of the most in-demand enterprise software products right now. The key drivers are the emerging data privacy regulations getting enforced with stiff penalties and the non-stop stream of cloud data leaks, a continuous threat to the enterprise's crown jewels, its data."

Cole said modern data security needs to address the overwhelming velocity, variety, volume, and veracity of big data today, which has largely moved to public cloud, so it is critical to identify where your sensitive data is and apply monitoring and protection on all data stores across the enterprise multicloud.

Cyber Forza offers an array of enterprise security software options covering threat management, risk management, core platforms, edge platforms, and endpoint clients, including Hawk-Eye Cyber Defense.

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