Security News > 2021 > January > Don't make these cyber resiliency mistakes

Don't make these cyber resiliency mistakes
2021-01-29 19:00

Find out why it might be time to shift your cybersecurity prevention strategies to resiliency and what not to do in the process.

Cybersecurity professionals are tired of losing ground to cybercriminals, so they are working with members of their companies' C-suites and boards of directors to put in place a process that some deem is more realistic than prevention: Cyber resiliency.

Alex Manea, a security officer at Georgian Partners, offers an interesting perspective on what to avoid when enabling cyber resiliency in his article Avoid These Top Four Cybersecurity Mistakes on Chief Executive.

Manea said in his experience four mistakes surface more often than not, and if people implementing cyber resilience avoid them, it will likely give their company a competitive advantage.

The Department of Homeland Security report Cyber Resilience and Response says that allowing stakeholders to create interdepartmental and intercompany relationships will lead to sharing information and resources, and significantly increase cyber-situational awareness, as well as resilience and threat mitigation.

If you want to learn more about cyber resiliency, read these TechRepublic articles: How to be cyber-resilient to head off cybersecurity disasters, CISOs forced to adapt to pandemic and other geopolitical risks, Only 17% of global organizations are considered cyber resilience "Leaders", and PwC: Boosting digital resilience is the best defense against cyber attacks.

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