Security News > 2021 > January > Deep Analysis of More than 60,000 Breach Reports Over Three Years

Deep Analysis of More than 60,000 Breach Reports Over Three Years
2021-01-29 14:35

Threat intelligence platform provider HackNotice has analyzed more than 60,000 breach reports over the last three years, and finds some disturbing results including the rate of increase in breaches and a relative decline in the number of official breach notifications.

Leak reports containing data from a breached company as disclosed by hackers.

Official disclosure, where a data breach was reported to official sources and disclosed such as state level DOJ websites and HHS. The interesting point here is the relatively small number of breaches, around 13.5% of the total, that are reported through official channels.

HackNotice CEO Thomas puts the apparent anomaly down to the number of state breach laws that allow 30 days or more before notification is required.

"There is no federal breach notification law in the US, so you have to go by the states," he told SecurityWeek.

"Breach notification laws do not guarantee that companies will be willing to sacrifice investor confidence or risk lawsuits to disclose a breach every time there is one," adds nVisium's Angell.

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