Security News > 2021 > January > Retail and hospitality sector fixing software flaws at a faster rate than others

Retail and hospitality sector fixing software flaws at a faster rate than others
2021-01-22 05:30

The retail and hospitality sector is fixing software flaws at a faster rate than five other sectors, a Veracode analysis of more than 130,000 applications reveals.

Retail and hospitality also track a high volume of personal information about consumers through loyalty cards and membership accounts, tying into marketing data from third parties, which is enabled by more software.

Fixing software flaws in the retail and hospitality sector.

The research found 76% of applications in the retail and hospitality sector have at least one flaw, which is about average when compared to economic sectors such as financial services, technology, healthcare, and others.

The research shows that the retail and hospitality industry rank second-best for overall fix rate: half of its flaws are remediated in just 125 days, nearly one month faster than the next-fastest sector.

"Developers in the retail and hospitality sector appear to do a better job than others when dealing with issues related to information leakage and input validation. Using API-driven scanning and software composition analysis to scan for flaws in open source components offer the most opportunity for improvement for development teams in the retail sector."

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