Security News > 2021 > January > Hallowed Bugtraq infosec list killed then resurrected over the weekend: We heard your feedback, says Accenture

Hallowed Bugtraq infosec list killed then resurrected over the weekend: We heard your feedback, says Accenture
2021-01-18 07:05

Last week ended with news that the venerable infosec mailing list Bugtraq was being shutdown at the end of the month.

From its first posts in November 1993, Bugtraq aimed to get details of vulnerabilities, as well as defence and exploitation techniques, onto netizens' radar, and discussed among admins and security researchers.

"Assets of Symantec were acquired by Broadcom in late 2019, and some of those assets were then acquired by Accenture in 2020," an email from the list administrators read. "At this time, resources for the Bugtraq mailing list have not been prioritized, and this will be the last message to the list. The archive will be shut down January 31st, 2021.".

It's now looking like Bugtraq could last a while longer.

"So, based on the feedback we've received both from the community-at-large and internally, we've decided to keep the Bugtraq list running. We'll be working in the coming weeks to ensure that it can remain a valuable asset to the community for years to come."

Install an ad-blocker, says CISA: There were two alerts last week from the US government's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, one warning of hackers succeeding in busting open several enterprise clouds and another [PDF] suggesting federal agencies use ad blockers.

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