Security News > 2021 > January > Massive IT-employee disconnect hindering remote productivity

Massive IT-employee disconnect hindering remote productivity
2021-01-13 04:30

There's a glaring disconnect between IT and employees that will hold organizations back from evolving with the market and embracing a long-term digital workplace that is successful, 1E reveals.

The survey found IT overwhelmingly lacks knowledge of the remote employee experience, with respondents severely overestimating employee satisfaction and underestimating IT-induced downtime and disruption.

Making matters worse, there's an acute lack of communication between IT and employees, which should concern IT organizations because 75% are planning to move from service-level agreements to experience-level agreements to better measure and report on employee satisfaction.

"To achieve this, IT must strike a better balance between vendor agendas and employee needs. The lack of focus on, or even knowledge of, employee priorities will ultimately prove detrimental to the overall success of the business, especially considering the level of employee dissatisfaction."

The visibility gap also impacts IT's ability to keep endpoints secure, patched and compliant, especially concerning because the importance of security and cyber resiliency is lost on remote employees.

Seventy-three percent of employees said they are unconcerned their devices could be hacked by cybercriminals while working remotely, yet IT believes the stakes are higher than ever - 74% are concerned about their ability to respond to security threats when employees are remote.

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