Security News > 2021 > January > Are security and connectivity on your 2021 to do list, yes? Here’s what to do first

Are security and connectivity on your 2021 to do list, yes? Here’s what to do first
2021-01-06 18:00

If you looked back at your list of 2020 New Year's resolutions, would any of them make still sense for 2021?

Do you have the nagging feeling that there's much more that needs to be done around connectivity and security across your organisation?

You probably would benefit from catching up on our recent webcast, Is a remote workforce making your organisation less secure?

Our in-house webcasting maven Tim Phillips was joined by Fortinet's Patrick Grillo, a veteran of both the networking and security worlds.

They discussed the new realities around connectivity and security, and the need to bring them together to protect organisations and their newly dispersed workforces.

Whatever your plans for 2021 involve, get a head start with this in-depth chat.

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