Security News > 2021 > January > 60% of companies’ IT modernization programs not ready for the future

60% of companies’ IT modernization programs not ready for the future
2021-01-06 04:30

Many corporate IT leaders say their organizations are not prepared for the future IT needs of the business and nearly all are moving to advance their transition to cloud infrastructure, according to an IBM survey of leaders at mid-sized and large companies in the United States and United Kingdom.

Of the 380 CIOs and CTOs who participated in the survey, 60% say their company's IT modernization program is not yet ready for the future.

24% of CIOs and CTOs surveyed say their company is just starting its IT modernization journey or has yet to begin modernizing, with about a third surveyed saying they are still in the midst of transformation.

A full 40% of survey respondents do not feel their teams have the right skills to fully meet their IT ambitions, and more than three in four surveyed say they will rely more on trusted partners that can provide managed infrastructure services.

While 60% of CIOs and CTOs surveyed say their company's IT modernization is not yet ready for the future, the study revealed significant differences in the U.S. and U.K. markets.

While 56% of CIOs/CTOs surveyed in the U.S. say their IT infrastructures were completely prepared for the business changes brought on by COVID-19, only 23% of U.K. managers surveyed felt as prepared.

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