Security News > 2021 > January > Chrome browser has a New Year’s resolution: HTTPS by default

Chrome browser has a New Year’s resolution: HTTPS by default
2021-01-05 14:56

HTTPS, as you probably know, stands for secure HTTP, and it's a cryptographic process - a cybersecurity dance, if you like - that your browser performs with a web server when it connects, improving privacy and security by agreeing to encrypt the data that goes back and forth.

Why is HTTP still the default choice of your browser if you type an URL into the address bar and don't explicitly put https:// at the start?

The simple answer is that there are still enough non-HTTPS websites left out there that switching to HTTPS by default would cause sufficiently many transitory technical hassles to be disruptive.

Default typed omnibox navigations to HTTPS: Initial implementation Presently, when a user types a domain name in the omnibox such as "", Chrome navigations to the HTTP version of the site.

Future CLs are going to observe upgraded HTTPS navigations for several seconds instead and cancel the load when necessary, instead of indefinitely waiting for HTTPS loads to succeed.

If you still haven't upgraded your website to support HTTPS, we suggest that you make it your own New Year's Resolution for 2021!

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