Security News > 2020 > October > Emotet malware wants to invite you to a Halloween party

Emotet malware wants to invite you to a Halloween party
2020-10-31 09:45

To take advantage of the trick-or-treating festivities, the Emotet malware gang is sending out spam emails that invite you to a Halloween party.

Emotet is a malware infection that spreads through emails containing Word documents containing malicious macros.

Once the malware is installed, Emotet will use the computer to send spam emails and ultimately install other malware that could lead to a ransomware attack on the victim's network.

The Emotet malware gang has created an email that pretends to invite you to a Halloween party to trick you into opening the malicious attachment.

If you receive an email with an invite to a Halloween party and it tells you to open an attachment, do not open it.

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