Security News > 2020 > October > Security Blueprints of Many Companies Leaked in Hack of Swedish Firm Gunnebo

Security Blueprints of Many Companies Leaked in Hack of Swedish Firm Gunnebo
2020-10-28 16:58

In March 2020, KrebsOnSecurity alerted Swedish security giant Gunnebo Group that hackers had broken into its network and sold the access to a criminal group which specializes in deploying ransomware.

The Gunnebo Group is a Swedish multinational company that provides physical security to a variety of customers globally, including banks, government agencies, airports, casinos, jewelry stores, tax agencies and even nuclear power plants.

While it may seem ironic when a physical security firm ends up having all of its secrets published online, the reality is that some of the biggest targets of ransomware groups continue to be companies which may not consider cybersecurity or information systems as their primary concern or business - regardless of how much may be riding on that technology.

Mark Arena, CEO of cybersecurity threat intelligence firm Intel 471, said while it might be tempting to believe that firms which specialize in information security typically have better cybersecurity practices than physical security firms, few organizations have a deep understanding of their adversaries.

"The harsh and unfortunate reality is the security of a number of security companies is shit," Arena said.

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