Security News > 2020 > October > How the Pandemic is Reshaping the Bug-Bounty Landscape

How the Pandemic is Reshaping the Bug-Bounty Landscape
2020-10-28 17:23

I think, you've seen kind of how bounty programs specifically have shifted over the past decade or so, are you finding that companies are becoming more open to launching bug bounty programs?

To your point about the the current ongoing pandemic, I know that that has had several impacts across the board, but specifically as it relates to bug bounty, like, I know that like Zoom, having kind of that influx in its user base, was looking to what their own bug bounty program and how they could improve that to kind of keep up with the the vulnerabilities that were being processed there.

Are you seeing COVID impact kind of the bug bounty landscape in other ways, whether it's more bounty hunters who may be starting to focus on bounty hunting full time or otherwise? Just not sure what you're seeing there?

For bug bounty proper, like your Facebook or your Google-style bug bounty program.

You know, once you've received an issue, then what? Like how to how does that get factored into, into engineering capacity for fix if it's needed? How do you mitigate? How do you prioritize it with all the other things that you're trying to get done as a business? The thing about, particularly bug bounty, in a public context is you're never quite sure when something's going to get found next, because that's sort of the point if you did, you would need to do this in the first place.

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