Security News > 2020 > October > GrammaTech CodeSentry: Identifying security blind spots in third party code

GrammaTech CodeSentry: Identifying security blind spots in third party code
2020-10-28 03:00

GrammaTech announced CodeSentry, which performs binary software composition analysis to inventory third party code used in custom developed applications and detect vulnerabilities they may contain.

CodeSentry identifies blind spots and allows security professionals to measure and manage risk quickly and easily throughout the software lifecycle.

"Using third party components rather than building applications from scratch is an accepted practice for accelerating time to market and is fueling a massive growth in reusable code," said Mike Dager CEO of GrammaTech.

Since third party software can be delivered in source or binary form, its underlying components may be unknown to the organization using it.

"Customers using first generation software composition analysis tools that rely on source code to identify third party components are often at a disadvantage as they do not have visibility into software that is delivered as binaries," said Vince Arneja, Chief Product Officer for GrammaTech.

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