Security News > 2020 > October > 76% of applications have at least one security flaw

76% of applications have at least one security flaw
2020-10-28 05:30

The majority of applications contain at least one security flaw and fixing those flaws typically takes months, a Veracode report reveals.

Using multiple application security scan types, working within smaller or more modern apps, and embedding security testing into the pipeline via an API all make a difference in reducing time to fix security defects, even in apps with a less than ideal "Nature."

Flawed applications are the norm: 76% of applications have at least one security flaw, but only 24% have high-severity flaws.

Open source flaws on the rise: while 70% of applications inherit at least one security flaw from their open source libraries, 30% of applications have more flaws in their open source libraries than in the code written in-house.

Older applications with high flaw density experience much slower remediation times, adding an average of 63 days to close half of flaws.

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