Security News > 2020 > October > Snowden Granted Permanent Residency in Russia

Snowden Granted Permanent Residency in Russia
2020-10-22 13:25

Fugitive US whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted permanent residency in Russia, his lawyer said on Thursday.

Snowden, the former US intelligence contractor who revealed in 2013 that the US government was spying on its citizens, has been living in exile in Russia since the revelations.

Snowden is wanted in the United States on espionage charges after he leaked information showing that agents from the National Security Agency were collecting telephone records of millions of US citizens.

When asked whether Snowden planned to apply for Russian citizenship, Kucherena said: "He will make the decision himself."

Kucherena said it was "Natural" that Snowden wanted to return to the United States but will only do so when the case against him is closed.

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