Security News > 2020 > October > You’ve open sourced your relational database manager with PostgreSQL – but how can you keep it secure?

You’ve open sourced your relational database manager with PostgreSQL – but how can you keep it secure?
2020-10-20 06:00

There was a time when open source was still - no matter how many decades it had driven software projects - regarded as the playground of hippies and utopians.

As incumbent vendors saw sense and bolted open source offerings onto their product load-outs, or even acquired celebrated open source gathering spots outright, open source suddenly became cool.

As early pioneers of open source, there are feature-packed, hugely portable and keenly developed options available for anyone wishing to leave behind a big old vendor, enormous annual fees, and cunningly-constructed vendor lock-in.

There's just one catch: Some of those general perceptions around open source remain.

On 11th November 2020 at 3pm GMT, The Register's Tim Philips will be joined by Marc Linster from PostgreSQL experts EDB to pass on the wisdom Marc's acquired in working with organisations large and small to successfully deliver open-source RDBMS. Tim and Marc will look closely into how DBAs and dev teams can better collaborate to make the dream happen, how standardisation and automation of functions can improve secure processes, how a good balance of migration and new deployments can help the cause, and how a spot of evangelising the project across the organisation can't hurt, either.

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