Security News > 2020 > October > Irish Regulator Investigates Instagram Over Children's Data

Irish Regulator Investigates Instagram Over Children's Data
2020-10-20 10:59

Irish privacy regulators have opened two investigations into Instagram over the social media site's handling of young people's personal data.

Data scientist David Stier said last year that his analysis found users, including those under 18, who switched their account types to business accounts also had their contact information displayed on their profile.

Users were apparently switching to business accounts in order to see statistics on how many likes their posts were getting, after Instagram started removing the feature from personal accounts in some countries to help with mental health.

One investigation will look into whether Facebook has adequate safeguards in place for children and whether it has a legal basis to process their data.

"The DPC has been actively monitoring complaints received from individuals in this area and has identified potential concerns in relation to the processing of children's personal data on Instagram which require further examination," Deputy Commissioner Graham Doyle said in a statement.

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