Security News > 2020 > October > Will there be no end to govt attempts to break encryption? Hand over your data or the kiddies get it, threaten Five Eyes spies

Will there be no end to govt attempts to break encryption? Hand over your data or the kiddies get it, threaten Five Eyes spies
2020-10-19 10:30

Encryption is vital to protecting people's use of data, it says, alongside human rights activists in repressive regimes, journalists researching corruption, and all those good things.

You cannot make an encryption system insecure without making it insecure.

How did les plod pull it off? They hacked the phones, bypassed the encryption and hoovered up the bad guy blether.

Both the UK and the US are brazenly bounding down that path, and Human Rights Watch says of India that "In 2018, the government... harassed and at times prosecuted activists, lawyers, human rights defenders, and journalists for criticizing authorities. Draconian sedition and counterterrorism laws were used to chill free expression." So that's almost half of JIANUSCUK behaving in ways that its own declaration says encryption is essential to protect against, at the same time as calling for that encryption to be turned off on demand, Do they think we just take them at their word?

By focusing on the tech industry to do its dirty work, JIANUSCUK is admitting there is no practical or legal way to back-door all encryption.

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