Security News > 2020 > October > News Wrap: Barnes & Noble Hack, DDoS Extortion Threats and More

News Wrap: Barnes & Noble Hack, DDoS Extortion Threats and More
2020-10-16 13:00

I think my husband's arrived at like, 1:30 or something in the morning, Thursday morning, so they kind of sent this out under cover of darkness, which I'm sure they want to minimize the publicity around it, but that's not going to happen because it's Barnes and Noble.

Over the weekend, the Nook e-book reader - which my mom has one of those and they're kind of awesome - but the syncing feature for that went down and there was this outage that continued and it just kind of trended on a low level, nobody really knew what was going on.

I mean, this has also been going on, I was kind of doing some research into DDoS extortion attacks, and I mean, this has been going on for many, many years, too.

That's kind of it's kind of interesting.

TS: Yeah, it's kind of interesting how taking things offline from Zoom servers, taking the communication sort of away from flowing through the Zoom servers, impacts technically, from a technology perspective, all these other types of bells and whistles, so people will have to make a value judgment, I guess, or a risk assessment and figure out what they like more.

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