Security News > 2020 > October > You can ditch the printer and go entirely paperless, but does that really make your work comms any more secure?

You can ditch the printer and go entirely paperless, but does that really make your work comms any more secure?
2020-10-13 16:00

Moving to secure paperless communications is certainly a start.

If these problems sound familiar, you'll want to join us for some answers on October 14 at 9am PDT, when The Register's Tim Phillips will be joined by Jacob Ginsberg, senior director of market intelligence at Echoworx, for a webcast on secure paperless communications.

Tim and Jacob will be working through the promise and the problems of secure paperless communications.

If you're wondering what your first steps should be, Jacob will talk you through speccing out a secure paperless comms project, how to get it up and running, and how to get it completed right.

Whether you're itching to flick the switch on a new comms system, or have mentally filed the idea of secure paperless comms in the "Nice to have, but it'll never work" file, you should really join us on October 14.

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