Security News > 2020 > October > Facebook Announces Bug Bounty Loyalty Program, Streamlined Bug Triage

Facebook Announces Bug Bounty Loyalty Program, Streamlined Bug Triage
2020-10-12 18:27

Facebook has announced a series of updates for its bug bounty program, including bonus rewards for engaged researchers, as well as a faster bug triage process.

The social media platform announced that it streamlined the triage of security vulnerabilities reported through its bug bounty program, to increase efficiency and lower response timeframe.

For that, the company introduced a tool that leverages Facebook Bug Description Language to help researchers "Quickly and easily set up bug reproduction steps using a standard bug description language."

"This will make our intake process more straightforward and standardized. Researchers who participate in our bug bounty program come from all over the world and speak a variety of languages. FBDL will help make bounty reports easier to submit by providing a universal language to demonstrate findings and potential impact," Facebook says.

"As a further incentive to use FBDL, we'll issue a bonus to researchers who submit verified bug reports that receive a bounty award starting at 12:00 a.m. UTC on October 9, 2020. The bonus will be 5% of the base bounty award, but no more than $500," Facebook says.

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