Security News > 2020 > October > If you connect it, protect it

If you connect it, protect it
2020-10-05 08:31

"If you connect it, protect it" is a short and simple slogan that we've taken straight from this year's Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

We wrote about CSAM last week, on the first of the month, to explain why we think CSAM is still worth supporting, for two main reasons.

The first reason is that it's an annual prod to all of us to reach out to our friends and family who still think that "It'll never happen to me", or that "I'm too unimportant for the crooks to go after my data."

The second reason to support CSAM is that it's a handy reminder to review all the cybersecurity precautions that you've already taken, or think you're taking, to make sure that they're actually working as you intended.

Best-practice advice may have moved on since last year, so take the opportuntity to go and check if last year's precautions are still considered good enough, or whether you ought to make any useful improvements.

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