Security News > 2020 > October > Your comms may be paperless, but are they actually secure? Thought so...

Your comms may be paperless, but are they actually secure? Thought so...
2020-10-02 06:00

So if you're looking for some answers, you'll want to join us on October 14 at 0900 PDT, for a Register webcast on secure paperless communications.

Regular Register talking head Tim Phillips will be joined by Jacob Ginsberg, senior director of market intelligence at Echoworx, which knows a thing or two about secure comms, having been offering email encryption since 2000.

Tim and Jacob will be taking a look at the potential ROI of secure paperless communications - spoiler alert, it's quite a lot.

They'll also take a long hard look at why just getting to secure paperless communications is so difficult.

Signing up is, naturally, a secure paperless process.

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