Security News > 2020 > September > Bug Bounty FAQ: Top Questions, Expert Answers

Bug Bounty FAQ: Top Questions, Expert Answers
2020-09-26 10:01

Threatpost brought together leading voices in the bug bounty community to participate in a webinar Five Essentials for Running a Successful Bug Bounty Program.

Are the hackers getting legal advice before engaging in these programs or are you relying on the bug bounty programs to keep them within in the legal lines?

How do crowd-sourced bug bounty programs deal with potential GDPR issues like disclosing data during the process of a third-party researcher uncovering a bug?

If a company has no publicly listed bug bounty/VDP information posted finding and reporting a bug to them can result in them filing charges since it is technically illegal.

What percentage of bug bounty hunters rely only on bounty rewards for income? Is being a fulltime independent bug hunter a dream?

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