Security News > 2020 > September > Ordr IoT Discovery Program uncovers shadow IoT devices and their corresponding risks

Ordr announced the availability of the Ordr IoT Discovery Program to uncover shadow IoT devices and their corresponding risks with a turnkey solution that takes minutes to deploy.
The Ordr IoT Discovery Program is a complete kit-cloud-managed IoT sensor and Ordr Core software - to get organizations up and running within minutes, not weeks.
"Shadow IoT is a growing challenge for enterprises in every industry. Organizations have no idea what devices are lurking on their networks, and as IoT adoption accelerates, the problem is only going to get worse. You can't secure what you can't see, but Ordr's IoT Discovery Program gives you visibility into your devices and risks so you can make informed decisions about device security and management," said Jason Viera, CTO at Carousel Industries.
Ordr Core with new zero touch provisioning capabilities enables organizations to immediately discover devices, revealing everything that is connected to the network as well as the security and management risks associated with those devices.
"With our IoT Discovery Program, new software packaging, and zero touch capabilities, every enterprise can inventory all of the devices on their network to understand granular details such as make, model, operating system, and vulnerabilities, as well as profile exactly how devices are behaving."
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