Security News > 2020 > September > Lattice CrossLink-NX FPGA: Helping developers meet demand for embedded and smart vision applications

Lattice CrossLink-NX FPGA: Helping developers meet demand for embedded and smart vision applications
2020-09-04 01:15

Lattice helps developers meet this growing demand for embedded and smart vision applications by offering a variety of low-power FPGAs and comprehensive solutions stacks designed to enable the quick and easy implementation of applications like video signal bridging, aggregation and splitting, image processing, and the AI/ML inferencing used to train smart vision models.

"Peiju Chiang, Product Marketing Manager at Lattice, said,"Lattice is a leading provider of innovative, low power solutions for smart and embedded vision applications.

"Our award-winning mVision solutions stack can further accelerate and simplify vision system development by providing modular hardware development boards, featuring Lattice FPGAs like the CrossLink-NX, our Radiant 2.1 design software, embedded vision IP, and reference designs needed to implement popular embedded vision applications."

Fast I/O support - CrossLink-NX-17 FPGAs are well suited for embedded vision applications thanks to support for multiple fast I/Os, including MIPI. Instant-on performance - to better support applications where a long system boot time is unacceptable, such as industrial motor control, CrossLink-NX-17 enables ultra-fast I/O configuration in 3 ms and total device configuration in less than 10 ms.

Software tools and IP - in addition to its new Lattice Radiant® 2.1 design software, Lattice offers a robust library of popular IP cores including interfaces like MIPI D-PHY, PCIe, SGMII and OpenLDI, and demos for common embedded vision applications such as 4:1 image sensor aggregation.

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