Security News > 2020 > September > Someone's getting a free trip to the US – well, not quite free. Brit bloke extradited to face $2m+ cyber-scam charges

Someone's getting a free trip to the US – well, not quite free. Brit bloke extradited to face $2m+ cyber-scam charges
2020-09-01 06:01

A British citizen has been extradited to the US to face charges he oversaw a series of business email compromise attacks to steal over $2m from unwary accounts departments and individuals.

It is said the crew used combinations of stolen personal information, spoofed phone numbers, fake email accounts, and even voice-altering software to contact bank staff and con them into handing over control of accounts by posing as legit customers.

Rather than plunder big accounts via large wire transfers, this group allegedly went after after holders of personal checking accounts and small businesses.

Once they had convinced the bank of their identity, the scammer would transfer money from the mark's savings account into checking, then ask for a new debit card to be sent to the scammer's address, it is claimed.

The victim in one such scam - a restaurant in Ohio - was said to have been convinced to transfer more than $2m, though it is unclear how much of that was actually siphoned out of the account before the crime was uncovered, it is claimed.

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