Security News > 2020 > August > IoT safety: Logging devices on trucks are not always secure

Laws have been passed to prevent truckers from driving long distances without enough sleep, keeping us all safer on the road. In 2015, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration issued requirements for trucking companies to attach electronic logging devices to trucks.
They left open the safety and security of the IoT devices that businesses were purchasing and using.
"It's critical for companies to button down these security vulnerabilities and apply best practices to their IoT devices and also during the IoT vendor selection process," said Ryan Brander, associate vice president of security at Geotab, a fleet and IoT management SaaS firm.
By not leaving devices on and "Open" when they aren't being used, companies can reduce the ability of malware, viruses, and other types of security breach mechanisms to penetrate devices and networks.
IoT is expanding exponentially, and ELD devices are just one example.