Security News > 2020 > August > Open source tool Infection Monkey allows security pros to test their network like never before

Open source tool Infection Monkey allows security pros to test their network like never before
2020-08-07 04:30

Guardicore unveiled new capabilities for Infection Monkey, its free, open source breach and attack simulation tool that maps to the MITRE ATT&CK knowledge base and tests network adherence to the Forrester Zero Trust framework.

Infection Monkey is a self-propagating testing tool that hundreds of information technology teams from across the world use to test network adherence to the zero trust framework, and find weaknesses in their on-premises and cloud-based data centers.

As the cybersecurity skills gap continues to widen and IT teams find themselves short-staffed, Infection Monkey 1.9.0 received several interface improvements that ensure the tool can be easily implemented - and most importantly valuable - with no additional staff or education.

Guardicore is committed to ensuring that Infection Monkey offers the highest standards of quality and safety as a tool.

"Our mission with Infection Monkey is to equip cybersecurity professionals with a valuable open source tool that helps improve their security posture against cybercriminals," said Shay Nehmad, Team Lead and Open Source Software Developer, Guardicore.

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