Security News > 2020 > June > Talk about the fox guarding the hen house. Comcast to handle DNS-over-HTTPS for Firefox-using subscribers

Talk about the fox guarding the hen house. Comcast to handle DNS-over-HTTPS for Firefox-using subscribers
2020-06-26 01:07

Comcast has agreed to be the first home broadband internet provider to handle secure DNS-over-HTTPS queries for Firefox browser users in the US, Mozilla has announced.

This means the ISP, which has joined Moz's Trusted Recursive Resolver Program, will perform domain-name-to-IP-address lookups for subscribers using Firefox via encrypted HTTPS channels.

Last year Comcast and other broadband giants were fiercely against such safeguards, though it appears Comcast has had a change of heart - presumably when it figured it could offer DNS-over-HTTPS services as well as its plain-text DNS resolvers.

At some point in the near future, Firefox users subscribed to Comcast will use the ISP's DNS-over-HTTPS resolvers by default, though they can opt to switch to other secure DNS providers or opt-out completely.

If you trust Comcast to handle your normal plain-text DNS, logically you should trust it for DNS-over-HTTPS. "We're proud to be the first ISP to join with Mozilla to support this important evolution of DNS privacy," said Jason Livingood, Comcast Cable veep of technology policy and standards.

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