Security News > 2020 > June > Threat Actor Sold Access to Networks of 135 Organizations

Over a period of two years, a threat actor sold access to the compromised networks of 135 organizations in 44 countries and likely made over $1.5 million, Group-IB says.
Between October 2017 and July 2018, Fxmsp sold access to compromised networks personally, but then found an accomplice who became his sales manager.
Between October 2017 and September 2019, the hacker advertised access to the networks of 135 companies.
Between August and November 2018, Lampeduza shared posts advertising access to the networks of 62 new companies, with a total price for all of the access at $1,100,800.
"At the time of writing, Fxmsp is no longer conducting public activities. It is uncertain whether he is still breaking into company networks and selling access to them. Given the risk, we deem it essential to offer universal recommendations on how to prevent attacks that bear similarities to those conducted by Fxmsp," the researchers conclude.