Security News > 2020 > June > Amazon establishes Counterfeit Crimes Unit with dedicated global team

Amazon establishes Counterfeit Crimes Unit with dedicated global team
2020-06-24 09:20

Amazon announced it has established a new Counterfeit Crimes Unit, dedicated to bringing counterfeiters that violate the law and Amazon's policies by listing counterfeit products in its store to justice.

Amazon's Counterfeit Crimes Unit is a global, multi-disciplinary team composed of former federal prosecutors, experienced investigators, and data analysts, and will join Amazon's extensive work to drive counterfeit to zero.

Amazon's first objective is to prevent a counterfeit from ever being listed in its store, and its comprehensive proactive anti-counterfeit programs have ensured that 99.9% of all Amazon products viewed by customers did not have a valid counterfeit complaint.

Amazon's Counterfeit Crimes Unit will investigate cases where a bad actor has attempted to evade Amazon's systems and listed a counterfeit in violation of Amazon's policies.

The Counterfeit Crimes Unit enables Amazon to more effectively pursue civil litigation against bad actors, work with brands in joint or independent investigations, and aid law enforcement officials worldwide in criminal actions against counterfeiters.

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