Security News > 2020 > June > Employees are worried about cyber threats in their home office environments

Employees are worried about cyber threats in their home office environments
2020-06-23 03:30

This shift to working from home has exposed new security risks and has left nearly 50% of those employees worried about impending cyber threats in their new home office settings.

The rapid shift to working from home has also changed the ways many organizations do business from moving face-to-face meetings to video conferencing calls to adding new collaboration tools-yet the survey showed many employees are lacking guidance, direction and policies.

The IBM Security Work from Home Survey is comprised of responses from more than 2,000 newly working remotely Americans.

Confident, yet unprepared: 93% of those newly working from home are confident in their company's ability to keep personally identifiable information secure while working remotely, yet 52% are using their personal laptops for work - often with no new tools to secure it, and 45% haven't received any new training.

Personal devices in use: More than 50% of new work from home employees are using their own personal computers for business use, however 61% also say their employer hasn't provided tools to properly secure those devices.

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