Security News > 2020 > June > Hey NYPD, when you're done tear-gassing and running over protesters, can you tell us about your spy gear?

Hey NYPD, when you're done tear-gassing and running over protesters, can you tell us about your spy gear?
2020-06-19 21:55

The law will require the New York City plod to provide the city government with annual reports on its use of surveillance equipment such as face scanning, Stinger cellphone trackers, and eavesdropping gear.

To be precise, the bill defines surveillance tech as "Equipment, software, or systems capable of, or used or designed for, collecting, retaining, processing, or sharing audio, video, location, thermal, biometric, or similar information, that is operated by or at the direction of the department," but not any internal communications gear nor cameras intended to keep city buildings from being vandalized.

The NYPD could not be reached for immediate comment on the vote, though the department previously said that the bill "As currently proposed, would literally require the NYPD to advertise on its website the covert means and equipment used by undercover officers who risk their lives every day."

"These bills are the floor and not the ceiling in ensuring transparency and oversight over the NYPD and that protections are in place for communities of color."

While New York, New York, is the largest US city to date to pass surveillance reporting laws, the Big Apple is not the first.

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