Security News > 2020 > June > Fortress’ Asset to Vendor Network announces first new partner to secure U.S. power grid

The Asset to Vendor Network for Power Utilities announced the group's first new partner.
Founded by Fortress Information Security and American Electric Power, A2V was formed to create a security partnership that allows power companies to share vital cyber-threat information and bolster cyber defenses.
Atlanta-based Southern Company has signed on as the first new partner of the group.
Utility companies have invested and built formidable cyber defenses to "Wall" off networks and protect from wide-scale attacks to ensure that U.S. consumers have a reliable and sustainable power grid.
"The utility industry, like no other, is built on the foundation of collaboration. When faced with a challenge, whether it be a natural disaster or an attack on a power grid, the industry comes together," said Alex Santos, co-founder and CEO of Fortress.
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