Security News > 2020 > June > How Purism takes a lo-fi approach to secure laptops for shipment

How Purism takes a lo-fi approach to secure laptops for shipment
2020-06-01 14:38

Are you concerned someone might intercept your newly-purchased mobile device during transit and do bad things with it? Purism is aware this happens and takes a lo-fi approach to the problem.

Such is the case with Purism's lo-fi approach to protecting the privacy of laptops during shipment.

What Purism does is apply a small drop of glitter fingernail polish over the screws securing a laptop chassis.

Purism goes one step further by adding special tape around the bag containing the laptop that will reveal if the bag had been opened, after it was shipped.

More hardware companies should follow Purism's lead and offer anti-interdiction measures for the shipping of laptops and smartphones.

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