Security News > 2020 > April > How to make a stranger's insecure 3D printer halt-and-catch-fire – plus more alerts from infosec world

How to make a stranger's insecure 3D printer halt-and-catch-fire – plus more alerts from infosec world
2020-04-13 16:04

In what was surely a very serious piece of research and not just an excuse to set stuff ablaze, the team at the aptly-named CoalFire have demonstrated how a 3D printer could be tricked into bursting into flames remotely.

By hijacking the firmware update process of a 3D printer called the Flashforge Finder, a miscreant could potentially flash the machine's software to remove its temperature constraints.

Researchers at IBM say the group known as Fin6, or ITG08, has begun using a malware framework borrowed from TrickBot, a crew specializing in the development of banking malware.

"ITG08's partnership with the TrickBot gang not only provides the group with new malware and potential access to enterprises infected with the TrickBot Trojan; it also reveals additional evidence of the group's strategy to partner with other threat actors and malware developers," said IBM threat analyst Ole Villadsen.

Time for yet another 3D printing fingerprints report.

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