Security News > 2020 > April > Happy developers more likely to build secure apps

Happy developers more likely to build secure apps
2020-04-08 04:30

For the first time ever, the findings prove the correlation between developer happiness and application security hygiene, with happy developers 3.6x less likely to neglect security when it comes to code quality.

Happy developers are also 2.3x more likely to have automated security tools in place, and 1.3x more likely to follow open source security policies.

The findings showed that developers working within mature DevOps practices are 1.5x more likely to enjoy their work, and 1.6x more likely to recommend their employer to prospects, highlighting the significant role DevSecOps transformations play in both application security and developers' job satisfaction.

As year over year velocity increased, 47% developers continued to admit that while security was important, but they did not have time to spend on it - a finding consistent with the same survey in 2018 and 2019.

The greatest differences in investment priorities between mature and immature DevOps programs are seen across Container Security, with mature practices investing 2.2x more than immature practices; this is closely followed by investments in Dynamic Analysis and Software Composition Analysis, with 2.1x and 1.9x more respectfully.

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