Security News > 2020 > January > Engaging the Attacker Prior to Impact

Engaging the Attacker Prior to Impact
2020-01-28 14:28

Cybersecurity professionals face a major challenge of reducing dwell time - the time it takes to identify an attacker inside your network, establishing a foothold, escalating privileges, moving laterally, and even exfiltrating data or locking down your machines in a ransomware attack.

In order to decrease system risk and network costs, every effort should be made to identify the attacker earlier in the timeline.

No matter how many best-of-breed protective solutions you use to defend your network, the unfortunate reality is eventually an attacker is going to get past them.

Having a capability that automatically detects - in real-time - individual attack techniques and alerts on critical technique sequences, allows threat hunters to proactively respond to attacks in-progress, and most importantly prior to impact.

As a final reminder, engaging the attacker prior to impact will significantly reduce the overall operational risk of your networks, protect critical information and systems from attackers, and protect lives of the men and women who serve this country every day.

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