Security News > 2020 > January > BEC Fraudsters Targeting Financial Documents: Report

BEC Fraudsters Targeting Financial Documents: Report
2020-01-17 15:04

As business email compromise schemes continue to evolve, some cybercriminals are focusing on accessing companies' financial documents, which provide useful information to support the theft of money, according to a new report from security firm Agari.

This case shows that business email compromise scams are becoming more ambitious, with fraudsters using social engineering techniques to steal as many financial documents as possible, according to the report.

Silent Sterling, another criminal vendor email compromise group that Agari tracks, is believed to have stolen an aging report from a victim that contained the names of over 3,500 customers who owed more than $6.5 million in unpaid invoices, the report notes.

In November, one of Agari's customers contacted the firm about suspicious emails sent to the financial and accounts payable teams in the name of the firm's CFO. The messages asked for updated aging reports and contact information for clients with overdue accounts, according to the new research report.

"These engagements continued in a similar manner to most wire transfer BEC attacks, with the attacker directly providing the details for the account where the payment should be sent," the Agari report adds.

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