Security News > 2020 > January > Tripwire introduces new line of hardware appliances and joins ISA Global Security Alliance

Tripwire introduces new line of hardware appliances and joins ISA Global Security Alliance
2020-01-16 04:15

Tripwire, a leading global provider of security and compliance solutions for enterprises and industrial organizations, has announced the launch of the Tripwire Industrial Appliance line of hardware for securing industrial environments.

Tripwire has announced that it has joined the ISA Global Cybersecurity Alliance as a founding member.

Tripwire joins ISA Global Security Alliance as founding member.

In becoming a founding member of ISA Global Cybersecurity Alliance, Tripwire will participate in creating initiatives to increase industry awareness, creating education and certification programs, and advocating for sensible cybersecurity approaches with regulatory bodies and world governments.

"We're also proud to partner across the industry in bringing more cybersecurity to the industrial space by joining the ISA Global Cybersecurity Alliance. Tripwire has made great strides in industrial cybersecurity over the past year and we'll continue that focus throughout 2020 and beyond."

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